rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Probably Brain Damage

Hot, but no air conditioner on. Two televisions are on to entertain the old people, and the computer for me. The little wheel on the electric meter turns slowly, but not slowly enough. I like it to go very slowly indeed, with the slowness of the passing hours of the hot day. I'd turn off everything and watch the wheel barely turn. That would be restful.

The guy across the street has spent the last two days dismantling his fence. It was a perfectly good picket fence a few years old. Now he appears to be replacing it. All this ambition seems so inappropriate to the hot weather. It wears me out watching. And I'm already tired, even though I went back on the painkiller this morning. I needed to catch up on sleep. It sort of worked.

I had to cancel my appointment for a neck adjustment yesterday, reason being that my sub-maxillary glands suddenly decided to swell up and become extremely sensitive to the touch, which would have made an adjustment painful. Rescheduled for next Tuesday. That'll be ten days without an adjustment. I hope that isn't enough time for new adhesions to develop.

The whole town smells dryer than usual, even for the time of year. Maybe it's just my perception, all my senses being a bit out of whack but, whatever the cause, it's making me wish for a thunderstorm.

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