Whatever has been causing my recent discomfort is very strange. I'm beginning to think that it is not just something brought on by my neck being out of place. The symptoms are too odd. For one thing, they're not constant as one would expect from a displaced vertebra. They come and go, and move around a lot. It seems more like a viral infection of some sort, and the neck displacement may have been minor and coincidental.
In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that it might be the onset of another bout of shingles. I had one about a dozen years ago, and it was a decidedly unpleasant experience. Stupid chicken pox. Everybody gets vaccinated for that nowadays, don't they? Nobody did when I was a kid, so almost everybody I knew got the chicken pox at one time or another. Not everybody I know has gotten shingles yet, though.
Well, whatever happens, I guess. It's sure annoying not to get sleep in anything longer than four hour blocks, though.