I don't know what the deal is with my neck. For about a week now, something has been out of place. It gets better for a day or two, then gets worse again. I get occipital headaches, and the muscles all around my neck are sore. For a long time I've had this one vertebra at the base of my neck which stuck out a bit farther than I thought it should. I intended to have it checked out, but never got around to it. Now I notice that it's not sticking out anymore.
So, I don't know if something has recently gone out of place, or if that one vertebra was already out of place and has now spontaneously gone back into its correct position, or if I'm suffering the consequences of some combination of the two. Whatever it is, it's extremely annoying, and I've got no chance of getting to the chiropractor until sometime next week at the earliest.
Oops! I just sneezed, and that made it worse. I think I'll go stand under the shower for a while. Stupid vertebrae!