rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


The storm didn't visit us after all. Thunder continued for a couple of hours, and later I saw many flashes of sheet lightning that were followed by no sound. There was only enough rain to barely dampen the ground. It smelled nice, though. In the end, I had to settle for watching the storm on the news from Sacramento. There, rain was abundant, and the sky was filled with successive zaps of forked lightning. Even on video it was quite splendid to see, but I wish I could have been there. All that raw, uninhibited power exploding between earth and sky! And I missed it! I feel like the only guy who didn't get invited to a party that became an epic orgy.

Here, the sky cleared for a while, and I saw baleful Mars glow brighter than the pale blue stars around him, and then I watched Orion rise from the tall pines. The cricket from next door has moved into my yard, and I listened to it chirp, my only company. It must be very large by now, as it has become a basso among crickets. It fell silent sometime after two o'clock, when the air grew colder. Now, the clouds have returned, but many patches of them are thin, and I see stars appear and vanish as the vapor drifts, and the bright grin of the crescent moon peeks through now and again. It's all delightfully serene, but I still wish I could have gone to the electric orgy. Maybe next time.

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