rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Clouds obscured one part or another of the sky all night, but I still managed to see a handful of meteors. It was not the best celestial event I've ever witnessed, but not the worst. There may be a few more meteors Friday night-early Saturday morning. The peak of the shower will actually be during the day today, California time, so I wouldn't be able to see it even if I were awake- but they'll be up there.

The balmy night was quite comfortable, and undisturbed by any intrusions of raccoons or other nocturnal beasts. A few moths fluttered about, and a couple of crickets were chirping, but other than that, I had the outdoors all to myself. I didn't even get any mosquito bites! Indoors is another story. There is a plague of gnats. I've squashed a few, but there are still a couple hanging around. Obviously, I need more spiders.

From jdlasicadarknet: Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Fred von Lohmann believes that the main benefit that the media-entertainment complex expects to get from Digital Rights Management is not the ability to control piracy, but rather the ability "... to control, via licensing, the feature-set of the entire DVD player/recorder market." Interesting.

Birds chirping. Time to turn off the artificial lights and enjoy the morning twilight.
Tags: perseids

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