rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Spring Feverish

I have no idea what I'm doing tonight. I keep looking for things and failing to find them until I realize that they were right in front of me to begin with. I keep putting things in the wrong cupboard. I keep setting out to do something and then forgetting what it was. I've done so much woolgathering, I could knit a sweater. Well, a metaphorical sweater, anyway. I might as well have spent the night watching a movie. There's no point trying to read when I get like this, as I forget every word. There's no point in trying to do anything on the computer, either, as I'll end up being distracted by the first shiny bit of flash I see, and then I'll stare at it for ages. I think I'll go watch television. My brain already being mush, it can do me no harm.

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