Mozilla has done something I didn't think possible. It has made me dislike it even more than I dislike Microsoft. The Thunderbird interface not only fails to be user friendly, it is positively user hostile. It's at least twice as complicated as Outlook Express was to set up, which means it's at least six times as complicated as it needs to be. Apparently, Until I can figure out how to fix the problem Thudderbird created with my dial up networking settings, I'm stuck using Sluggo again. I hope I don't have to re-install everything.
Once I do get it fixed, Thudderbird will probably be going away, and Outlook Express will take its place. I have to admit that, when it comes to e-mail, Microsoft pre-kicked Mozilla's ass. If Mozilla wants it unkicked, they'll have to re-design Thudderbird's setup system. One would think that, as Thudderbird was created after Outlook, then it would at least equal Outlook's standard for ease of use. That it doesn't is a significant failure for Mozilla. I wish that Opera would hurry up and create a full suite of applications, including e-mail.