rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


As the government went to such expense to throw a big party, even including a parade, in honor of my birthday, I suppose it's churlish of me to point out that they held it a day late. I'm also not too pleased with their choice of a Grand Marshall for the parade. I mean, I didn't even vote for the guy. But I suppose David Letterman wasn't available. He probably didn't want to miss two shows in a row. I'm sure that Jimmy Kimmel would have been glad to do it, though. If he had done it, I might even have watched the speech on television. Still, it's the thought that counts, so, thanks for the party. Sorry I couldn't be there. I was busy trying to balance my mom's checkbook for her.

Today was so mild that all the birds were out, and all the neighborhood cats came out to chase them. The harsh weather having moved east, Sluggo has been disgruntled. He hates to see me comfortable, so he shows me his blue screen every few minutes. That he now freaks out when the room temperature gets to no more than sixty degrees does not bode well for his survival. It means that he will have to hibernate for as much as eight months a year. I had hoped to replace him before last summer. This year, I think that I have no other options. He must go. But what to buy? And where? There's the problem. Oh, I do not like decisions, especially when I'll probably be stuck with the results for four years. Heh. Four years. Not for this incompetent slug, anyway.

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