rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


That waxing crescent moon was back this evening, peeking from among the bare oaks (by the time I saw it.) There are still some puffs of cloud, and a few smears like celestial fog banks, so the sky is but partly starry, but the afternoon brought me the biggest dose of sunshine I've had in more than a week. Most of the pavement was dry by nightfall, and the few small puddles still claiming low spots in the yard were no longer the turbid, reddish-brown they were yesterday, but clear, their muddy bottoms partly occluded by the reflection of blue sky. Blue. I remember that color! The rumor going around is that we'll see more of it tomorrow. At the moment, I'm happy merely to enjoy the silence. As much as I like the sound of rain, it grows tiresome after so many days.

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