rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Still Fully Assed

To my astonishment, my ass has not yet frozen off! A good thing, too, because I use my ass almost constantly, to sit in front of Sluggo and waste my time web surfing. If I had to stand, assless, I'd be unable to endure it for long. I would be forced to invest in some sort of harness that would allow me to both see the monitor and work the keyboard and mouse from a prone or reclining position. This would likely be mistaken for a piece of fetish gear, and I would be arrested and incarcerated. Prison would be a very lonely place for me, as I would be assless. Who would want an assless cellmate? Thus, I am very glad that my ass has not frozen off.

Now, I am going to sit on my ass and go root around in the Los Angeles Public Library Photo Database.

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