rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Look How Late!

The revamped site of the Los Angeles Public Library is way too much fun, and eats hours of my time. Watch out for the photo collection. It's like a digital roach motel; Web surfers go in, but they don't come out.

  • 52/25: Sunny, Alas

    For the first time in days I woke to bright light streaming through the blinds, and it made me sad. There had been rain almost all day Tuesday, and I…

  • 52/24: Wet II

    Sluggishly dragging myself out of bed at midnight after having spent eight hours there (though probably only three quarters of them actually asleep)…

  • 52/23: Coma Chameleon

    I'm yawning and my jaw hurts. I'm happy that it's still overcast and raining, since that means that there is little light to penetrate the window…

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