rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


OK. I am officially cold. I'm sitting here with a blanket wrapped around me and over my head like a babushka. It's just as well I don't have a web cam. It's not cold enough to snow yet, but it feels that cold. Every time the soft rain falls silent, I have to look out to see if it has turned to snowflakes. Thus far, it hasn't. I'm sure that snow here in October is not unprecedented, but I'd be quite surprised (and annoyed) if it did fall. I'm enjoying the rain too much to tolerate any unseasonable freezing.

But I am not enjoying this much cold. As soon as I shut Sluggo down, I'm turning the heat up. In fact, I don't know why I didn't turn it up earlier, as I haven't been using Sluggo most of the night, and thus didn't need to worry about the room being too warm for him. New magazines arrived in the mail today, including National Geographic, so I've spent several hours reading (and looking at pretty pictures.) I find the sound of rainfall conducive to reading. I'd probably read much more if I lived in Oregon.

Now I'm going to get under six blankets and try to sleep. I'm missing my pillow-warming cat very much right now.

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