rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


I have the hiccUps. Few things irritAte me more. I have to rEmind myself that It cOuld be worse. It could bE irritable bowel syndrome, or sOmething of that sort. At least with hIcups, there's nothing to clean up.

A slightly unseasonable warmth has continued today, but is apt to depart within a few days. Meanwhile, the sound of the window fan and the katydids are reminding me of the summer that came too early and will not go. It'll be the last time I invite that bore to one of my parties.

I just found out that there will be a total eclipse of the moon visible from California on October 27th. It's been a while since I've seen one. Usually, the sky around here decides to cloud up whenever some celestial spectacle is due. It better not happen this time, after all I've put up with this year. The weather gods owe me one.

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