rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Twelve hours later, I can still taste that vile mint flavored polishing compound the hygienist used on my teeth. Mint is bad enough alone, but there is also the unpleasant aftertaste of the saccharine with which it was sweetened. Ech. It's terribly distracting. I'm thinking about licking my cat's fur to get rid of the taste.

Almost five o'clock already, and the sky has barely begun to pale. I'm pleased that the days are arriving later. The lengthening night gives me more time for watching the stars, for resting my eyes in the enveloping darkness, and for letting the soft whisper of breeze in the pines soothe my ears. Venus is now rising above the eastern woods while the sky is still dark, and I watch its slow progress through the branches and leaves until it breaks free. The faint glow of coming dawn follows it. I see no hint of clouds in this morning's sky. The day will be hot once again, but milder than yesterday, and the next day milder still. This welcome tempering of summer's withering breath will, I hope, help clear my mind and restore my energy. I begin to sense the northward tilt, and picture cool autumn as a faint line of steely blue marking that horizon. I eagerly await its approach.

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