rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


No post last night because I foolishly failed to use the air conditioner, and Sluggo was very, very bad. Almost no post this morning because I am on Indigo cluster, which was unavailable because of maintenance. On fact, I couldn't even log in for a couple of hours. I haven't checked the journal yet to see if anything is missing. Stuff went missing from journals on Chef subcluster 8 last week during maintenance, and as a result, every paid user on that subcluster is eligible for a free one month extension of service. Maybe I should hope that something is missing from my journal.

It's going to be even hotter today, so there will definitely be air conditioning. Sluggo will probably behave. Maybe I'll even catch up with my reading and make a real entry. Now, I'm going to sleep before the sun gets up and starts roasting everything.

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