It occurred to me just moments ago that I would very much like to be drunk right now. How long has it been? I can't remember. Despite the fact that I daily consume one alcoholic beverage as an accompaniment to dinner, and on occasion will consume a second, just because I feel like it, I seldom go beyond that limit. I'm pretty sure I've consumed sufficient alcohol to become at least slightly drunk a few times since I arrived in this place, but I don't think I've been properly drunk since I left Los Angeles. Even there, it was a rare event, since I don't enjoy the sensation of the room spinning around, but, if I recall correctly, the period just before that happens is quite delightful. I have no idea why I have this sudden desire for that experience, but once again, I shall blame the equator.
I will mention that I am rapidly nearing my 2000th post at LJ. This one (Sluggo willing) will be number 1994. That was a year not too long ago. Offhand, I remember none of it, despite the fact that I undoubtedly spent it in a state of sobriety. Or maybe it was because of that fact. However that may be, I am wondering if I ought to make some sort of special post for that nice, round, entirely arbitrary number. In my experience, such plans seldom work out, so I probably won't, unless it just happens by accident. Or maybe I'll just use that post as an excuse to get drunk, and end up writing something incoherent. And how would that be new, you ask? Hah! Everybody's imagined to be a comedian, through the miracle of a literary device the name of which I don't remember. I might as well be drunk.
Parting amusement: Buggering around the site tonight, I ran across the link to the Newbies Lounge, a journal the site maintains for the benefit of new arrivals. It contains four brief posts, and hasn't been updated since 2001. I find that droll, even when I am sober.