rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

There's MORE?

Dear LJ Friends,

Please quit updating faster than I can read.



It turned almost warm here today. In fact, a gladiolus plant by the fence has decided to bloom. A few more such days, and the camellias will be bursting out of their buds. I don't want winter to end this soon! I'm just now getting comfortable with it. And I certainly don't want a false spring, fooling the plants into blooming and then freezing them.

The cool evening air flooding through the open window feels very nice, though.

Oh, I was looking something up in the dictionary and found this:

nard A fragrant ointment, esp. one of the ancients, believed to have been derived from the plant Nardostachys jatamansi; also, this plant; spikenard.

Heh. Someone should tell Craig Kilborn.

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