rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Where Am I?

I think the rain has me thoroughly hypnotized. Out shopping after dark, coming along one of the dark roads in town, I suddenly thought I was on an entirely different road, further along in the journey. It felt as though I had lost three or four minutes, until I realized where I actually was. Most of the roads in town look very much alike at night, but the sense of displacement was quite disconcerting. All evening, I've caught myself wool-gathering in the midst of one task or another. Oh, the relentless rain!

It should be done by Monday, though. That night, with the sky cloudless, the nighttime temperature is expected to drop to 25 degrees. Not even full winter yet, and already it is turning wintry cold. The year continues to be strange, right to its end.

Also, this: Hi, Scotto! Thanks for the code! It will be fun to play with.

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