rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


November mornings, cloud banks often hover over the canyon of the Feather River southwest of my house. While most of the pre-dawn sky remains deep blue, the strip between the clouds and the horizon gleams as though covered with gold foil -- not the gold of crayons, but actual metallic gold. The only way I get to see it is if I stay up too late. This morning, I got to see it.

Then, too early in the afternoon, I was wakened by a cement truck backing up the street. One of the neighbors is having some work done. From the aroma in the air, I'd say they were having their septic system rebuilt. There is a price to be paid for living in a place without a sewer, however nice it is to have a house free of roaches.

Anyway, I'm very tired from not getting enough sleep., and I have a cat who doesn't want me to do anything but pay attention to her. She repeatedly attacks my fingers as I try to type. I'm getting little puncture wounds in them. Bad kitty. I'm glad she's feeling better, but I wish she would take a nap. I should take a nap, but then I'd stay awake too long again tomorrow morning.

And speaking of tomorrow, here's this:

In Memoriam
Your Thanksgiving Turkey
Rest in Peace

Happy Thanksgiving. I'll be making chili!

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