rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

A Few Things

Pizza. I'm going to get very bad indigestion, but it shall have been worth it.

We are finally getting some daytime clouds. As yet, they are only thin cirrus, holding no promise of rain, but they are nonetheless a relief from the relentlessly blue skies of recent months. I don't know how long it will take for me to recover from this summer, but the sooner the rains come, the better.

I'm seeing far more acorn woodpeckers this year than I've ever seen before. This must be the consequences of last years bumper crop of acorns. (I'm presuming that they got their name because they eat acorns, among other things -- I don't actually know much about them.) This afternoon, I saw two of the energetic little redheads pecking at the eaves of the house next door. I've never seen them peck at my house.

According to Brad, the site should be running much faster now. Much to my surprise, it does seem to be so. Icons are still slow, though. My friends page and comment pages have been opening quite smartly today, for the most part. Could LJ be fixed at last? Oh, dear. Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?

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