It is a sad fact that the most entertaining thing that has happened to me in the last week is that I got a piece of spam from a fake person called Joy Bender. I didn't open it, of course, but the name amused me.
I suppose everyone has noticed that celebrities are dropping like flies. Are there any bets on who will be next? I heard that Ben and Jen went to Georgia and bought a gun. A double suicide in the works? Could be. My guess is that they'll wait and see what kind of reviews their next movie gets.
Why is it that every time I perform maintenance on Sluggo, Outlook Express goes all goofy on me and crashes as soon as it is opened? I have to look at my mail online until the stupid program gets stable again, which usually takes a couple of days. What the hell is wrong with Microslough, anyway? You'd think they could get one thing right!
Two more days of September to endure. I can do that. I plan to sleep through as much of them as possible, though.