rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


There was finally a bit of rain here this morning, but I slept through most of it. It wasn't very heavy rain. The smell of it must have wakened me. I looked out the window and the gray street was all wet under the gray sky. It looked like winter, except for the trees having their leaves. But it was (and is) still hot. Now the clouds have gone. At least I had no disturbing dreams today. I remember only one snatch of dream, in which I was walking along a wooded path by the side of a stream, and the air was very cool. A wish fulfillment dream. Those I don't mind.

There is a small park, one block square, in the center of Chico. It has an X of walks across it, and they are lined with enormous old elm trees, planted in the 1890's. An article in the local paper says that the trees have developed root rot, and they can't be saved. They are going to be taken out in a few days. It's going to cost about $63,000 dollars to remove them, but that will be offset by almost $40,000 to be made from the sale of the wood. I had no idea that elm wood was so valuable. The place is going to look very strange without those trees. Even though I seldom go to Chico, I'm going to miss them.

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