rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Ooh! I just bit into a really bad peanut. Let's see, where was I before the flavor of decay distracted me? Oh, yes. The warmth is once again driving Sluggo to distraction, and me to sit in what little shade is yet available from the mulberry tree, and watch the bird droppings fall around me. I have to clean the chair almost every time I go out, now. The aging cats no longer climb the tree, so the birds feel safe to sit there and defecate at me. It is the least of my problems. I'm still not getting email from LJ. I haven't heard back from Juno. I haven't had the time to post another support request here, using a different mail box, so I can actually get an answer. I'm ready to resort to black magic, or ask who I have to do to get this fixed. All those little annoyances are like being constantly shat on by birds. I need an umbrella.

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