rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Forty, Day Thirty-Five

Thursday I napped from one o'clock in the afternoon until after seven o'clock in the evening. I did wake up for a few minutes a bit after three, and was probably intermittently awake for the last hour or so, but mostly I slept fairly well. Waking up is usually an unpleasant experience anymore, because I start having unpleasant thoughts almost immediately, but this time the thing I started thinking about was a poem by Richard Wilbur, and I was pleasantly surprised to find how many lines of it I remembered. If I could wake up to something like that every day I'd enjoy waking up.

Now that it has warmed up a bit, the furnace is not going. Tonight is heading down to fifty degrees, but that might not be low enough to trigger the apparatus, and today a mini-neat wave begins, so maybe I'm finally done with that machine for the season. I won't miss it. I'll miss the cool days, though.

There was a sandwich for dinner, and ice cream for a late dessert. I probably ate too much of the ice cream.

I've spent the last hour or so just watching my favorite Neil Young video on repeat. I'm not sure why I like it so much. It seems to remind me of something I can't remember, which means it fails, but somehow that still works for me.


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