rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Thirty-Seven, Day Sixteen

The forecast was saying that a band of rain was supposed to pass through this area starting around six o'clock Thursday evening and continue until about midnight, but nothing has happened. There were little animations of the cloud band passing and everything. The mini-metropolis was near the southern end of it, so maybe it just passed a bit farther north than expected. I do hope the mountains got some snow, at least.

There was another midday nap, from about eleven to three this time, so I've been awake for over twelve hours now and hope I can soon get back to sleep. At dusk I went out to check the mailbox and then roused myself enough to heat up some leftovers for dinner, but ate a bit too much. I haven't had the energy to clean up the dishes.

A couple of flocks of waterfowl flew over a while ago, last time I was outside. Ducks and geese, I think. Somebody's enjoying the weather. The remainder of the month is looking less rainy in the most recent forecasts than in those from a few days ago. Still cold, though, with lows below freezing every night next week starting Monday. Maybe it's just as well that precipitation is unlikely. I don't think Chico has anything remotely resembling a snowplow. Two inches would probably send the place into chaos.

Oops, nodding off at the computer again. Time to hit the hay lest I hit the floor.

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