rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Thirty-Four, Day Nineteen

Sunday I didn't sleep quite as late as I did Saturday, but that didn't make the subsequent hours any more productive. In fact I felt borderline comatose most of the afternoon, or what was left of it, and only began to be aware of reality around dusk. In lieu of dinner I ate some cream cheese on a few Ritz crackers, as my stomach was telling me it would rebel at anything more adventurous. It almost rebelled anyway, but I remained as calm as possible to reassure it that it was safe. Later, as it grew a bit more confident, I decided to feed it something warm, and settled on a can of onion soup with two slices of buttered wheat toast. So far it hasn't relapsed. Somehow I managed to bite my cheek while eating the toast. My teeth bite me at least three times a week anymore. If they were a dog I'd rehome them. As they are teeth I guess I'm stuck with them, just as they are so often stuck in me.

There were occasional whiffs of smoke Sunday evening, probably thanks to some variable winds that have arisen, as they are wont to do this confusing time of year when we are between seasons. But the good news is that most of the major fires in the region are at or near complete containment, and no new ones got started over the weekend. Hot spots are likely to continue burning for weeks, unless we get unexpectedly heavy rain, but even without rain it looks like this very distressing fire season is winding down. By Wednesday it is supposed to cool down quite a bit, and after that the forecast is mostly cool to mild for the next couple of weeks. The chances of rain are slight, but do exist.

I do believe I have a mosquito bite on my right ear. It has been itching like crazy for the last half hour. I hope it doesn't keep me awake. I've had enough sleep disruption already in recent days. Weeks. Months. Years.

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