rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Twenty-Two, Day Thirty-One

Friday got a bit smelly thanks to shifting winds that brought smoke to the mini-metropolis. It began to dissipate after nightfall, and now it's undetectable. Odds are it will return after sunrise, when the wind starts to shift again. But I'll be sleeping through most of it. I slept through most of it Friday. I got up around three o'clock, and that will probably happen again, given how late it is now and I still haven't gone to bed.

There was an ear of corn in the refrigerator vegetable bin, from about five weeks ago, but I cut the moldy tip off and cooked it in lieu of dinner. It wasn't as good as it would have been had I remembered to eat it sooner. I call stuff like this Alzheimer's food. If I don't see something, I forget it's there and it goes bad before I can eat it. Corn is one of the things I'll eat anyway, unless it gets seriously decayed. This ear was a few days from that. I should try to remember to think about the unseen contents of the vegetable bin regularly. But I probably won't.

Today is predicted to reach 100 degrees, as is tomorrow, but next week there will be two days in a row that will only reach 87. That should be nice, if the smoke stays away. The terrible heat ends sooner when it gets less terrible, too, so I expect the late evenings to be merely balmy. It will be a nice time to sit in the back yard with a cool drink and listen to the cars speeding along the freeway. Life seems so luxurious, a few hours out of a few days out of the year.

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