That, of course, made me logy, and I spent the next few hours nodding off at the computer and almost falling out of my chair a couple of times. A nap could have happened, but didn't, and I sort of got over the loginess, and now I'm wondering if I'll be able to get to sleep before dawn. I often haven't lately, so it wouldn't be unusual, but I'd rather sleep earlier than later.
Odd thing, even though I no longer feel sleepy I keep yawning. What the hell is that about? Maybe I'm not getting enough oxygen. It wouldn't surprise me. Even with the fan on this place can get kind of stuffy. The HVAC probably needs a new filter. And I should probably dust. Also I need to sweep under the bed. Last night I had occasion to look under it for something I dropped, and was astonished to see how thick the dust is. I just keep forgetting to move it when I sweep. I left the broom conspicuously nearby, but forgot again today anyway. If I got more oxygen maybe I'd remember stuff like that.
It's expected to reach 100 degrees today, and Saturday and Sunday could each hit 101. Picayune! Last heat wave we got up to 108! Then by the middle of the week we could be back down into the eighties for a few days. Summer is clearly on the run. Or at least maybe a fast walk. Certainly more than a stroll. As long as it doesn't let the door hit its ass I'm good. The door would surely burst into flames.