rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Twenty-Two, Day Twenty

Obviously something happened Monday, as here I am at four o'clock Tuesday afternoon making a journal entry. I felt fairly crappy Monday, and around eleven o'clock in the evening decided I needed a nap. Though I didn't sleep the entire time, the nap turned out to be about twelve hours long. I woke up several times, still feeling crappy and went back to sleep. When I finally woke up a bit after eleven this morning, though still feeling crappy, I decided that was enough of that and I got out of bed. Five hours later I don't feel much better, but at least it's not as hot today as it has been, and I can look forward to much earlier cooling this evening than we've had lately.

The fires are still burning, of course, and might get bigger faster because wind is due, but for the moment I'm not smelling smoke, and though the sky is hazy the sun is yellow, not orange. I'm trying to decide if I should try to eat something. I'm sort of hungry but sort of stuffed. I've had half a cup of orange juice, half a glass of iced tea, and three cookies since I got up. Maybe I'll just have a slice of cheese and a can of lunch beer. Maybe I'll stay awake long enough to write something more tonight. Right now I'm in limbo, waiting for the nocturnal cool.

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