rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Twenty, Day Six

The weather was mildish, but I didn't feel particularly good Sunday, so I didn't do anything. One of the things I didn't do was charge my phone, so when I got on the Internet I was soon off. Then I got hung up reading a book while the phone was charging, and now it's very late. I still don't feel particularly good. I suppose I should get my particules checked. But first I want to sleep. Maybe that will help. But it probably won't.

  • 52/25: Sunny, Alas

    For the first time in days I woke to bright light streaming through the blinds, and it made me sad. There had been rain almost all day Tuesday, and I…

  • 52/24: Wet II

    Sluggishly dragging myself out of bed at midnight after having spent eight hours there (though probably only three quarters of them actually asleep)…

  • 52/23: Coma Chameleon

    I'm yawning and my jaw hurts. I'm happy that it's still overcast and raining, since that means that there is little light to penetrate the window…

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