Soy sauce flavored ramen with sesame oil for very late dinner. I'll have to get some more of that kind. It was pretty good. I probably won't get to the store until Monday now as I have to go to the back as well and it isn't open weekends. Going today would be too short notice. I should have arranged it last night, but felt like crap. Aging bites.
Reset Thirteen, Day Fifteen
Soy sauce flavored ramen with sesame oil for very late dinner. I'll have to get some more of that kind. It was pretty good. I probably won't get to the store until Monday now as I have to go to the back as well and it isn't open weekends. Going today would be too short notice. I should have arranged it last night, but felt like crap. Aging bites.
51/50: At Last
I timed things quite badly Thursday, with the consequence that there will be disruptive spillover today. For example, I just finished Thursday dinner…
51/49: Can't Dance
Any memory of going to sleep Wednesday night has been obliterated, but I recall a couple of wakings, the last of which happened sometime after three…
51/48: Uncool/Cool
It's funny how during that interval between waking up and finally dragging my aged ass out of bed all the problems sometimes seem utterly intractable…
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