rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Reset Thirteen, Day One

The air wasn't quite as smokey Thursday, but my cough got worse. Perhaps all the stuff I've inhaled over the last few weeks was making a rush for the exit while the getting was good. I was tired all day, though, and spent many hours just moping and slacking. I don't remember much of it. I was going to take an evening nap but got distracted by something and never got around to it. Now I'm exhausted, and fear I won't get to sleep easily because i'n overtired.

The heat will be back starting Saturday, and humidity will drip and wind pick up, so it could be serious fire weather. A bit of progress has been made over the last few days, but continuing it will get tougher over the weekend and early ext week. About the only goodish news is that the four days of triple-digit highs have been reduced to one, and the other three will be only 98 or 99. Better, the nights will get down into the sixties instead of the seventies. Thankful for small favors.

A creaky neck and a bit of a headache tonight. I'm going to put them to bed, after seeing if a few minutes in the cool and only slightly smelly night air will clear my head just a bit. To bad there aren't any crickets chirping. Ah, well, there'll be helicopters in the morning. They're sort of like giant, deafening, scary crickets.

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