rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Cold, Not Yet Wet

There were a few items I needed for the dinner I plan for Thursday, so Wednesday evening I went out to Trader Joe's. I was out of my favorite beer, too, so instead of getting it at CVS I got that at TJ's too, so I'd only have to make one stop. It's only fifty cents more at TJ's, and last time I was in CVS they were out of it anyway. I didn't want to be out in that cold any longer than necessary.

But of course I did stop at the Goodwill store first, which is a minimal detour, and I'm glad I did. Since Tuesday a new book had been put on the shelf: an omnibus edition of four novels by William Faulkner, unabridged and with a decent sized type face. Wednesday is also a senior discount day, so I got it for $2.69. It includes The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary and Intruder in the Dust.

The night has grown very windy, and I can hear it gusting in the roof vents for the kitchen and bathroom fans, and making the metal frame of the freestanding awning the neighbors in the next apartment put in their back yard bang against the wooden fence. I won't be able to hear it in the bedroom, fortunately. It isn't supposed to get as cold tonight as it will for the next two nights, which will be freezing, but the wind chill is fierce. Rain is likely before dawn.

As it will probably be raining much of the day Thursday I have no plans to go out. I'm going to stay home and braise some short ribs I got at Safeway Tuesday, along with the potato and vegetables I got at Trader Joe's today. It will be one of this month's two or three luxury meals, and I'm hoping the electricity stays on, since I have an electric stove now. The wind is supposed to ease off tomorrow, but not much.

Right now I'm going to make a bowl of ramen, which should help me ignore the chill in the air, and then I'll have another slice of that pumpkin pie, and maybe drink a glass of port with it. Then there are blankets to get under and books to be read. Winter must be defied!

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