rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

This Is About Friday

Afternoon turned quite gray today, presaging the rain that is due to arrive sometime tonight. There could be several days of it, though it is expected to be heaviest on Monday. I went to Trader Joe's to lay in more beer in case it gets to wet to go out for a while. On the way I stopped a the Goodwill store to see if they had any books for rainy days, and found a thick volume containing sixteen short novels, including works by Edith Wharton, Thomas Mann, John Steinbeck, Willa Cather, William Faulkner and others. Some are books I had copies of and had read, and others are new to me, so I'm set whatever mood strikes me.

While I did manage to sleep rather late today, I didn't get to sleep as early as I'd hoped I would last night. It was probably going on four o'clock when I finally nodded off after lying in the semi-dark for over an hour. Before that I was reading and got hung up. Maybe I'll get to sleep earlier tonight, though given the fact that I still have stuff to read I'm not counting on it.

A couple of days ago the cat rescue pages started posting pictures of a cat who looks very much like Portia, but it is a male. I'm not sure how close this cats markings are to Portia's since I've looked at so many pictures of tuxedo cats that they and my memory of Portia are all starting to blur together. But the apparent similarity is so strong that I'm starting to winder if I mistook Portia for female and she's been a tom cat all along. The fact is that since she was fully grown and obviously already fixed when she first showed up at my house I never really examined her, and having so many cats to deal with soon after her arrival I never took her to a vet to have her examined either. I'm thinking maybe I should try to go get a look at this cat in person. If it does turn out to be Portia, well, I couldn't change her his name at this late date, so I'd just have to change the spelling to Porsche.

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