rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


After the landlord's agent came by to inspect the leak in the roof, I had time to go out for the first time since Tuesday, and was glad for the relief from the monotony. I had intended to go to Trader Joe's for more beer, which I don't really need yet, but stopped by the Goodwill store on the way and got hung up looking at the used books. They had a copy of the last volume of the Harry Potter series so I bought it and now have all seven books. That should keep me busy for a while.

It was almost dark by the time I left the store and I was getting hungry so I stopped at Taco Bell and picked up a burrito for dinner, which was a relief from my own cooking (which gives you a clue as to the quality of my cooking skills.) The showers that were predicted for today never arrived, so maybe those predicted for tomorrow will also absent themselves, which means I can go get that unnecessary beer. The store has a couple of odd,inexpensive brands I'd like to try. Maybe they will be crap and maybe they won't, but at least they will be alcoholic, and at least I'll have another reason to go out.

A couple of new cats were sighted today and a couple more were trapped, but again none of them were mine. There were several reunions of cats and dogs wit their owners, though, which is always nice to see, but also some notices that remains of animals had been found, two of them a pair of cute dogs I'd particularly been hoping would be found alive. Those stories always leave me downhearted. There have been way too many of them, and too few of the reunions. I'm glad that the volunteers are still searching, and trapping and feeding, but I'll also be glad when the whole thing is over. It's exhausting to watch it day after day.

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