rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


A very weird day today. When I woke up (too early) it was overcast, and at first I thought it was smoke from a fire, as I had forgotten that there were supposed to be clouds. They didn't look like clouds. The sky was uniform gray for several hours, though individual clouds began to be distinguishable this afternoon. But then I sat on the couch and fell asleep again, not waking up until almost sunset.

For the last couple of hours I've just wandered about in a haze as thick as the once that covered the sky so much of the day. The heat is coming back tomorrow, and expected to stay around for the foreseeable future. The nocturnal lows in the forecast have been revised upward. I'm guessing they'll be revised upward some more. So it's back to summer misery. Before that starts I should go eat something. I totally forgot to have dinner tonight, but there's probably a microwave burrito in the freezer.

I wonder if the stars are out?

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