rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


It will probably start to rain sometime tonight, and continue through much of tomorrow morning. Today was mild enough that, though I didn't open the windows, I left the back door open for a couple of hours. It was warmer outside than in the unheated back room. It's not too cold yet tonight, as the clouds have returned and are holding in some of the day's warmth, and the frogs are croaking again. They might croak every night this week, as the nights won't be getting excessively cold again until next Tuesday. Next week could be rainy again, too, which would be nice. The longer I can put of watering the yard the better.

Well, carp, I did it again. Writing an entry, got distracted, did something else, forgot, fell asleep, woke up and realized the entry wasn't finished and hadn't been posted, but can't remember what I was going to say because I'm only semi-awake. Maybe I can get back to sleep and... what? I don't know. Goodnight, anyway.

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