rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


As I'd expected after yesterday's major back adjustment I was pretty sore today. I might not get back to normal until after the next adjustment. Sitting in this chair for more than ten minutes at a time is very unpleasant, so today's Internet was chopped into little slices and went very slowly.

Portia is displeased that she doesn't get to take long naps on my lap. She'll get to curl up next to me for hours when I go to sleep, so I'm not wasting any sympathy on her, especially considering that I'll probably wake up with her bum in my face tomorrow, as I do so many days.

It looks like the cool to cold weather will hold for another ten days at least, though the only rain in the forecast is a 46% possibility of showers Sunday morning. So, winter temperatures (and gas bill) but no water. So far the plants aren't complaining, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have to start irrigating them later this month.

Eh, I've lost the thread (such as it was) of my thoughts coming and going, trying to keep my back from seizing up again. I need to go eat something. Probably food.

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