While I haven't been sneezing, I think there must be a bit of pollen getting into the air, as I've got one of those irritating spring sinus headaches. It isn't strong enough to justify even an aspirin, but just strong enough to be constantly annoying. Theres a bit of a breeze coming up tonight, after a still afternoon, but it was close to actually windy earlier this morning, and I suspect that tomorrow will be much the same, so I won't be surprised if the headache persists tomorrow.
Several of the big ponderosas in the neighborhood are displaying lots of brown needles, indicating infestation with those insects who gradually kill the trees. There hasn't been enough cold this year to knock the insect population down. It's likely that several trees will have to be cut down this year. They are too far gone to be saved, and if they aren't removed they will become hazards. The neighborhood already looks more like ordinary suburbia than it does like the inhabited woodland it was when I first saw it some thirty-odd years ago. Soon it will look even more conventionally suburban. Goodbye, forest. I'll miss you.