rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

No Pipers Piping

So just before midnight last night we got a bit of rain. Not much later I fell asleep, and when I woke up this morning the rain was over. That there hadn't been much was apparent from the bucket that catches the leaks from the skylight on the back porch. It had about an eighth of an inch of water in it. A decent rain can easily put three or four inches into it overnight.

But there is supposed to be more rain tomorrow, so maybe there will be enough to give all the plants a good watering. The storm's timing is unfortunate, though, as it will prevent me from getting a ride to the stores tomorrow, and Safeway has the kitty litter I need so badly on its five dollar Friday sale. After tomorrow I'll have to pay ten bucks for the stuff, and I certainly won't be able to stock up at that price.

I just wrote a rantlet about the unreliable nephew, who still hasn't come across with any money, but deleted it lest it be used as evidence against me by incompetent officials when someone else inevitably murders him for his flakiness.

The mild weather has definitely ended, and both days and nights will be getting colder. I won't mind the cold if we also get more rain, but if this droughtishness continues it's hardly worth the gas I'll have to burn to ward off the chill.

Onion soup tonight. I wonder if I should toss a few mushrooms into it?

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