rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Despite bright sunshine it remained chilly all day. I didn't get enough sleep last night, which made me feel even colder. Tonight could be the coldest night we've had yet, so I'm feeling bad for those feral kitties who can't come indoors. In fact when it gets this cold I feel bad even for the raccoons.

But it might be getting slightly warmer starting tomorrow. There could also still be some showers Sunday night. They would water the crazy azalea plant that is blooming in my back yard. I don't know if I am doing something wrong, or if the plant is misreading the weather, but that particular one has been blooming in December or January for the last few years. It doesn't get very many flowers, but they are a reddish color that is very noticeable, especially as everything around them is either green or brown.

I haven't even thought about dinner yet tonight. My brain has slowed to a crawl, and probably won't start moving again until it gets warmed. Maybe next week sometime. Anyway I probably don't need to think. There's not much worth thinking about around here in winter, and my memory has gotten so bad I probably wouldn't remember what I'd thought anyway.

Shopping is still not arranged. I'd like to get it over with, just in case Sunday afternoon turns wet, but it's not my call. I'm not the one with the car. I am the one with the unwashed dishes, though, so I have to go deal with them now. Maybe I'll think of something for dinner while doing them.

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