rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


The low tonight is supposed to be 66 degrees. The sultry days are so much easier to endure knowing that there will be a nocturnal respite. I'm hoping it means that I'll actually get some decent sleep tonight, without any weird, heat-induced dreams. One I had recently involved being covered in hot donut glaze, which left me terribly disappointed on waking because I had no donuts. It's bad enough not to sleep well, without being put off my boring Natures' Valley breakfast bar.

Another reason to celebrate the cooling trend, however slight, is that I won't run out of tea bags, since my iced tea consumption will undoubtedly decline. Safeway was supposed to have had them on sale last week, but there was some kind of screwup and they weren't on sale after all. I hate paying full price for tea bags, and they aren't on sale very often. I can now hope that my current supply will last until the next time they actually are on sale.

But right now I'm just going to go make myself some orange soda cut with orange-infused sparkling water so it won't be too sweet. I've got enough of that to last through the week. It's going to be a good night, I hope.

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