rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


The temperatures are creeping back up, but will not reach full horrendousness over the next ten days. In fact early next week we are to get some almost chilly nights following some merely too-warm days. For now I'm grateful for the not-terribly-hot nights we'll be getting through the weekend. This will be a time when I'm probably going to be more annoyed by the noisy little crickets than I will be by the heat.

Yet I am not yet fully recovered from the torching the last week or so has given me. I am surprised how much energy it has sapped. Most days I just sit around doing nothing, and most nights I am too worn out from that nothing-doing to do any more. I'm hoping that next week's couple of chilled nights will restore some of my brain function. For now, I still feel like I'm just on the verge of flatlining. What an exhausting summer it's been so far.

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