He's also been getting into my alcohol, and because I didn't get to go to the store today I don't have any beer tonight. I'm pretty sure that at least ten percent of my weight is beer-induced, so if this keeps up I'll soon be a wraith. Not to mention pantless.
Today's slightly less horrendous heat was a nice, if minimal, change, and I'm really looking forward to the low of a mere 73 degrees tonight, though not as much as I am to the low of 68 Sunday night. Having the windows open right now isn't doing much to cool the house down, and it is letting the relentless buzzing of the little crickets in, so I'm eager for the hours to pass until the coolest part of morning arrives.
I'm sure there was something else I was going to write about, but apparently the heat steamed it out of my mind. Oh, well. Maybe it will show up in my fevered nightmares. The ones in which my pants fall off in public. The ones that might soon come true.