rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Helter Swelter IV

My Internets connection has been utter crap today. Nothing to do with the Internet itself, I think, but with that AT&T cable from my house to the utility pole. The one the squirrels like to munch. The heat probably has something to do with it, too. It's miserable, but the web site is saying the high has not yet been reached. It's only 95 degrees, heading for 103. But maybe we'll get lucky and they'll have to lower the estimate.

At least today is the summer solstice, so the weather has sort of an excuse for being so obnoxious. AT&T has no excuse, though. They've known for a long time that the cable needs to be replaced, but they haven't done it. I hope they get around to it before I die of heat stroke.

I'm going to post this as soon as the Internet reconnects, and then go watch television. No troubles with the Comcast cable yet. I wonder why the squirrels don't eat that cable?

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