rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Here it is eight o'clock and the gloaming is just fading into night. The long evenings have decided sneak up on me again, and this is only the third week of spring. It has been raining most of the day, but the clouds have been spring bright. More rain is still being predicted for the next two days, but it is going to get colder. More rain and chill expected next week, too, but Friday and Saturday should be clear. As I consider cool days and plenty of rain to be just about perfect spring weather, I'm as happy as the frogs in the little stream that runs through the dale a block east of my house.

I didn't make myself sick with jelly beans today, so I'll be eating dinner soon, though it will just be soup and a roll. I'm saving room for some chocolate cream pie later.

Here it is past half past eight and I lost track of the last half hour. The browser ran out of memory, which it's been doing a lot lately, so I shut it down and rebooted it and when I did I got distracted and wandered around the Internets aimlessly. It happens more and more. But it gave me time to get a little bit hungrier, so I'm going to go heat that soup now.

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