rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


I seem to have skipped dinner again. But I did call my chiropractor's office and found that he is going to be doing afternoon appointments again, and I got one for next Tuesday, and the odds are good that an adjustment will get rid of the low-grade headaches I've been getting lately. Then I might be able to focus my thoughts (such as they are) a bit better. Low grade headaches are very distracting. Especially when one has skipped dinner, which I intend to unskip momentarily.

But first, I found that Lapham's Quarterly, a magazine beyond my budget, is on (gasp!) Facebook, of all places. I'm so delighted to find them there that I'm even able to overlook the inevitable Facebook Look of the pages (seriously one of the unsightliest of web sites.) Once one clicks the links to their own web site, though things get better, as in this page with its disturbing yet evocative Monet graphic. Anyway, now I've got a new corner of the Internets to explore (as though it hadn't already swallowed me whole, like Jonah sliding down the whale's gullet.)

Oh, and it was warm today and the windows were open three full hours. Fresh!

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