rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Compared to the last few days it felt almost balmy out today, and probably will feel balmy tomorrow, though still only by comparison. Tonight is noticeably less chilly than last night at this time, too. The feral cats' water bowls will definitely not freeze tonight. Later in the week will come warmish days, so I expect to start expecting spring.

Most of the ground cover plants have already grown out, so they must think spring has already arrived. There could be leaf buds on the oak trees by early next week. A few days of sustained warmth is usually enough to bring them out, and it's supposed to get into the mid to upper sixties for five days starting Thursday.

I definitely have to get an appointment with my chiropractor. Not only is my neck catching more and more, but I'm getting headaches and nausea. The problem is remembering to call for an appointment while the office is open. Morning, even when I'm awake, is not a time when I function well, so I keep forgetting. Having a headache should be a reminder, but so far it hasn't been. It makes me go back to sleep to forget the discomfort.

Now it's microwave dinner time. The headache nausea makes it difficult to think about eating, but if I don't eat the nausea will just get worse.

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