rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Unwashed Away

The rain has been intermittent today, providing a nice change from the constant patter. During the lulls I can hear the frogs much more clearly. I don't stay outside to listen for long though, because despite the air being merely chilly rather than cold there is almost always a breeze, and sometimes stiff wind, and the wind chill is murderous. This is one of those nights when I'm very glad the furnace is still working. There will probably be popcorn later, which will psychologically augment the furnace. Popcorn is always better on a chilly night. Or maybe it's the hot, melted butter.

I was going to write something encouraging today to mark (and counteract) the unwanted special occasion, but I've decided just to link to John Scalzi's New Year post. He says it better than I could: The New Year and the Bend of the Arc.

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