While poking around in a cupboard I came across something I'd forgotten I had: A can of almonds flavored with wasabi and soy sauce. I've never tried them before, and accidentally saving them for a chilly night was a stroke of good fortune as their exotic heat is an excellent contrast to the cold monotony of a January rain storm. They have also reminded me that I have a frozen Chinese entree and still have a bit of jasmine rice to cook, so tonight's dinner is decided. Provided the power doesn't go out before I get the container into and out of the microwave. Too bad I have no sake on hand. I wonder of warmed vodka would be an acceptable substitute?
I'm still accustoming myself to the new(ish) computer, which so far is fast and reliable. This is the first time I've used Windows 7, though, so I haven't figured out how to do some things yet. I suppose it will be a while yet. The machine is about to get a rest as there's a movie coming on soon that I want to watch. Also I have to quit munching on these nuts (Deez Nuts!) and that won't happen while I'm sitting here poking this keyboard.